How to Build a Simple Landing Page That Converts

Website design
A man building a simple landing page

In the digital age, attention is currency, and landing pages are your opportunity to capture that attention and turn visitors into leads or customers. But with countless options and conflicting advice, building a simple yet effective landing page can feel overwhelming. Fear not! This guide will equip you with the essential ingredients for crafting a compelling landing page that drives conversions.

What is a Landing Page?

Before diving into building one, it is important to understand what a landing page really is and why you need one.

A landing page is a web page that is designed to capture the attention of your visitors and persuade them to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading a free ebook, or buying a product. Contrary to what many might think, a landing page is different from a homepage or a regular web page, as it has a single goal and a clear call-to-action.

Landing pages are important for marketing and lead generation, as they can help you increase your conversion rates, grow your email list, generate more sales, and measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. According to a study by Unbounce, the average conversion rate for landing pages across all industries is 9.7%, but the top 25% of landing pages convert at 25.5% or higher.

How to Create Converting Landing Pages

To create a successful landing page, you need to follow some best practices and tips that can help you optimize your page for your audience and your offer. In this article, we will show you how to build a simple landing page in five easy steps:

  • Step 1: Choose a goal and a template
  • Step 2: Write a catchy headline and a clear subheadline
  • Step 3: Add a relevant and appealing image or video
  • Step 4: Write a concise and convincing copy
  • Step 5: Add a lead capture form and a strong call-to-action

Step 1: Choose a goal and a template

The first step to creating a landing page is to define the purpose and the target audience of your page. You have to answer the following questions:

  1. Who am I trying to reach?
  2. What are their needs, wants, and pain points?
  3. What do I want my visitors to do after they land on my page – subscribe, download, purchase?

Once you have a clear goal and a well-defined audience, you can now draft out the layout of your landing page, or simply select a template that suits your goal and your brand. A template is a pre-designed layout that you can use as a starting point for your landing page. A template can save you time and effort, as you don’t have to create your page from scratch.

Many tools and platforms offer landing page templates, such as Canva or HubSpot. You can choose from hundreds of templates that are categorized by industry, goal, or style. You can also customize your template to match your brand identity, colors, fonts, and logo.

Step 2: Write a catchy headline and a clear subheadline

The headline and the subheadline are the most important elements of your landing page, as they are the first things that your visitors will see and read. Your headline and subheadline should capture the attention and interest of your visitors, and convince them to stay on your page and learn more about your offer.

Your headline should state the main benefit or value proposition of your offer, in a clear, concise, and compelling way. Your headline should answer the question: What’s in it for me? For example, if you are offering a free ebook on how to start a blog, your headline could be: “How to Start a Blog in 2021: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners”.

Your subheadline should clarify and expand on your headline, by providing more details or addressing a pain point or a question that your audience might have. Your subheadline should support and complement your headline, not repeat or contradict it. For example, if your headline is: “How to Start a Blog in 2021: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners”, your subheadline could be: “Learn how to choose a niche, set up a domain and hosting, create content, and monetize your blog in this comprehensive and easy-to-follow ebook”.

Your headline and subheadline should use simple, direct, and emotional language that speaks to your audience and resonates with them. You should also use keywords that your audience is searching for, to improve your SEO and ranking.

Step 3: Add a relevant and appealing image or video

An image or a video can make your landing page more attractive and engaging, as it can illustrate your offer, show your product or service in action, or evoke a positive emotion. An image or a video can also help your visitors visualize the outcome or the benefit of your offer, and increase their desire and motivation to take action.

You should choose an image or a video that is relevant and appealing to your audience and your offer, and that is consistent with your brand and your message. You should also make sure that the image or video is high-quality, clear, and professional, and that it does not distract or confuse your visitors.

A landing page

You should also optimize the size and the loading speed of your image or video, as a slow-loading or a large image or video can affect your page performance and user experience, and reduce your conversion rate. You can use tools like TinyPNG or to compress and resize your image or video, without compromising its quality.

Step 4: Write a concise and convincing copy

The copy of your landing page is the text that explains the features and benefits of your offer and persuades your visitors to take action. Your copy should be concise and convincing, as you don’t want to bore or overwhelm your visitors with too much or too little information.

You should use bullet points, lists, or short paragraphs to organize your copy and make it easy to read and scan. You should also use headings and subheadings to highlight the main points and benefits of your offer and to guide your visitors through your page.

Your copy should explain the features and benefits of your offer, using specific and concrete examples and data. You should focus on how your offer can solve a problem, fulfill a need, or satisfy a want of your audience, and how it can make their life better or easier. You should also highlight the unique selling proposition or the competitive advantage of your offer, and why your visitors should choose you over your competitors.

You should also use social proof, testimonials, or reviews to build trust and credibility with your visitors and to show them that your offer is valuable and reliable. Social proof is the evidence that other people have used and liked your offer and that they have achieved positive results or outcomes. You can use quotes, ratings, logos, case studies, or statistics to showcase your social proof and to demonstrate the quality and impact of your offer.

You should also address and overcome any possible objections or concerns that your visitors might have, and that might prevent them from taking action. Objections are the reasons or excuses that your visitors might have to not accept your offer, such as price, time, risk, or doubt. You should anticipate and acknowledge these objections, and provide counterarguments or reassurances that can eliminate or reduce them. For example, if your visitors are worried about the price of your offer, you can offer a discount, a free trial, a money-back guarantee, or a comparison with other alternatives.

RELATED TOPIC: How to Write Engaging Website Copy

Step 5: Add a lead capture form and a strong call-to-action

The lead capture form and the call-to-action are the final and most crucial elements of your landing page, as they are the ones that will collect the information of your leads and prompt them to take action. Your lead capture form and your call-to-action should be clear, visible, and easy to use, and they should motivate your visitors to complete your desired action.

Your lead capture form is the form that asks for the essential information that you need from your leads, such as their name, email, or phone number. You should design your form in a way that is simple, user-friendly, and secure, and that does not discourage or frustrate your visitors.

You should avoid asking for too much or too little information, as this can affect your conversion rate and your lead quality. You should only ask for the information that is relevant and necessary for your goal and your offer, and that you can use to follow up with your leads and nurture them. You should also use clear and descriptive labels for your fields, and provide instructions, examples, or validations to help your visitors fill out your form correctly.

Your call-to-action is the button that tells your visitors what to do next, and that triggers your offer. Your call-to-action should stand out, use action-oriented and urgent language, and match your headline and your offer. Your call-to-action should answer the question: What do I get when I click this button?

You should use a color, a shape, a size, and a position that make your call-to-action noticeable and clickable, and that contrast with the rest of your page. You should also use a text that is specific, concise, and compelling, and that creates a sense of urgency or scarcity. For example, if you are offering a free ebook on how to start a blog, your call-to-action could be: “Download Your Free Ebook Now”.


Creating a simple landing page is not a complicated task. If you follow the steps and tips that we have shared with you in this article. A landing page can help you achieve your marketing and lead generation goals, and grow your business.

To recap, here are the main steps and tips for creating a landing page:

  • Choose a goal and a template
  • Write a catchy headline and a clear subheadline
  • Add a relevant and appealing image or video
  • Write a concise and convincing copy
  • Add a lead capture form and a strong call-to-action

However, if you prefer a professional web builder to do this for you, we highly recommend our professional web builders here at Effe Towers, who can create highly converting web pages for you. Effe Towers is a leading web design and development company, with a team of experts who can handle any project, big or small. They can design and build custom landing pages that match your brand, your goal, and your audience, and that are optimized for speed, SEO, and user experience.

Whether you need a landing page for a product launch, a webinar, a lead magnet, or any other purpose, Effe Towers can help you create a landing page that converts. All you have to do is tell us your requirements, and we will take care of the rest.

Don’t miss this opportunity to boost your online presence and grow your business with Effe Towers. Contact us today and get a free need assessment for your landing page project. You won’t regret it!

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