Marketing Agency Versus Inhouse Marketing: Which is better?

Digital Marketing
Choosing Between Marketing Agency and In-house Marketing

As a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), deciding between working with a marketing agency or building an in-house marketing team can be a daunting task. With limited resources and budget, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.

In this article, we will compare marketing agencies and in-house teams. We will highlight their benefits and drawbacks, and provide SMEs with factors to consider when choosing between the two.

Pros and Cons of Marketing Agencies

Marketing agencies are third-party service providers that specialize in providing marketing services to businesses. They are known for their expertise, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.

Benefits of Working with a Marketing Agency

Marketing Agency
  1. Access to specialized skills and expertise: Marketing agencies typically have a team of professionals with diverse skills and expertise, which is beneficial for SMEs that lack in-house marketing talent. They can provide SMEs with access to resources and expertise in areas such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content creation, and advertising.
  2. Flexibility and scalability: Marketing agencies can adjust their services to meet the changing needs of SMEs. They can also scale their services up or down depending on the size of the project or campaign. This flexibility can be particularly useful for SMEs that experience fluctuating demand for marketing services.
  3. Cost-effective: Marketing agencies can be a cost-effective option for SMEs that do not have the budget or resources to build an in-house marketing team. They can provide SMEs with access to marketing services at a lower cost than hiring and training an in-house team.
  4. Professionality: In the noisy digital space we have today, marketing is all about standing out. This will give your business the edge it needs when it is recognized in the digital space. All of these can only be achieved with the skills and expertise of professionals that know how the marketing industry works. This touches on branding, integrated marketing, and creative direction. These are crucial assets that you may not be able to get from an in-house team.

Drawbacks of Working with a Marketing Agency

As promising as working with a marketing agency can be, it also has some drawbacks. These are however often caused when business owners don’t contact the professionals to handle their marketing strategy. Here are some hiccups that might develop:

  1. Lack of control and transparency: SMEs may feel that they have less control over the marketing activities of an agency than they would with an in-house team. This can lead to a lack of transparency and a feeling of disconnectedness between the SME and the agency.
  2. Communication challenges: Communication can be a challenge when working with an external agency. It is important to ensure that there is clear communication and alignment on goals, objectives, and timelines.
  3. Potential conflicts of interest: Marketing agencies work with multiple clients and may have competing interests. It is important for SMEs to ensure that there are clear lines of communication and that the agency is acting in its best interests.

Pros and Cons of In-house Marketing Teams

In-house marketing teams are internal departments within SMEs that handle all marketing activities. They are known for their brand expertise, control, and loyalty.

Benefits of Having an In-house Marketing Team

Complete control and transparency: SMEs have complete control over their marketing activities when they have an in-house team. This can lead to greater transparency, accountability, and alignment with business objectives.

  1. Better collaboration and communication: In-house teams are typically more integrated into the business and can collaborate more easily with other departments. This can lead to more effective communication and a better understanding of the business.
  2. Brand expertise and loyalty: In-house teams have a deep understanding of the SME’s brand and can work more closely with other departments to ensure that marketing activities are aligned with the brand’s values and objectives. In-house teams are also more likely to be loyal to the company and share its values.

Drawbacks of Having an In-house Marketing Team

  1. Higher costs: Building and maintaining an in-house marketing team can be expensive. SMEs need to invest in recruiting, training and retaining talent. This can be a significant expense for SMEs with limited resources.
  2. Limited expertise and skillset: In-house teams may not have the same level of expertise and skillset as external agencies. This can limit the types of marketing activities that SMEs can undertake.
  3. Difficulty in finding and retaining talent: SMEs may find it difficult to find and retain marketing talent. This can be particularly challenging in highly competitive markets where skilled marketers are in high demand.

Factors to Consider when Choosing between a Marketing Agency and In-house Team

When deciding between working with a marketing agency or building an in-house team, SMEs should consider the following factors:

  1. Company size and industry: SMEs that operate in highly competitive markets may benefit from working with an external agency that has experience in their industry. However, SMEs in less competitive markets may be able to build a more cost-effective in-house team. One might however be tempted to ask: what market is not competitive today? That’s the billion-dollar question. This why Effe Towers is dedicated to tailoring marketing efforts according to your purse.
  2. Marketing goals and objectives: SMEs should consider their marketing goals and objectives when deciding between a marketing agency and an in-house team. If the goal is to build a strong brand identity or launch a large-scale marketing campaign, an external agency may be the best option. However, if the goal is to easily maintain a consistent brand presence and execute smaller-scale campaigns, an in-house team may be more cost-effective.
  3. Project complexity and timeline: SMEs should consider the complexity of their marketing projects and the timeline for execution when deciding between a marketing agency and an in-house team. If a project is complex and requires specialized expertise, an external agency may be the best option. However, if a project is relatively simple and can be executed quickly, an in-house team may be more cost-effective.


When deciding between working with a marketing agency or building an in-house team, SMEs should consider the benefits and drawbacks of each option and weigh them against their available resources and marketing goals. While an external agency can provide SMEs with access to specialized expertise and cost-effective marketing services, an in-house team can provide greater control, transparency, and loyalty. While Marketing agencies can have some drawbacks, professionals like Effe Towers cover all these lapses and ensure your marketing effort is not just a temporary display but a solid effort that converts to sales.

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