Author name: Effe Towers Team

Business Conversion Rate

The Holy Grail for Increasing a Business Conversion Rate

I’m sure your first response to this post was wait, there’s a holy grail for increasing business conversion rate? Yap, there is, and I am glad to announce that you too can implement this strategy for your business. We decided to make a post on this topic because of the recurrent problem we noticed among […]

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business secrets

Don’t Start a Business without Knowing these 7 Business Secrets

One common mistake many founders and entrepreneurs make is one of not knowing enough about starting and owning a business, or about the particular business they are going into. Contrary to popular belief, running a successful business goes far beyond just being passionate about the business you intend to start. Rather, there are concepts every

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Top Goal Setting Techniques Used By Top Achievers

Top Goal Setting Techniques Used By Top Achievers for Their Businesses

Yearly, it has become common practice for many founders and top-level managers to set goals for their business. But year on year, the same problem persists for many of these individuals the problem of meeting these set goals. Although goal setting is a very good and important practice, when the problem of achieving set goals

Top Goal Setting Techniques Used By Top Achievers for Their Businesses Read More »

7 Ultimate Steps To Turn Your Pitch Deck Into An Investment Landing Machine: #5 Is A Must Have!

It’s about time! Time to create that investment landing pitch deck machine for your solution. So you’ve developed a solution that is addressing a pain point experienced by a lot of people, you see a market opportunity in it, as a result, you are ready to pitch this solution to investors to get an opportunity

7 Ultimate Steps To Turn Your Pitch Deck Into An Investment Landing Machine: #5 Is A Must Have! Read More »

Business development mistakes

Top Business Development Mistakes by Startups & SMEs

Business development plays a key role in the growth of every business. It is the aspect of business that deals with establishing growth opportunities and strategic partnerships that can in due time, reflect the value and bring about exponential growth for a business. Although in recent years, more small businesses are beginning to incorporate business

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Business development

Why Business Development is Important for Your Business

Business development is one concept in business that over the years has been poorly understood, thus has not been fully utilized for significant business growth and development. Many businesses especially SMEs and startups confuse this aspect of business as just marketing and sales. To explain the importance of business development or BD as it is

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effective communication

Effective Communication in Business Development for SMEs & Start-ups

Communication as a concept is discussed across different spheres of human endeavours, it has and still plays a vital role in the success or failures of various institutions and businesses. As a recipe for success, effective communication is one concept that cannot be ignored in building a business. To understand the role of communication in

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